PSAs From Me

Thank you for being here!

I hope these announcements of all kinds from me, a children’s book author and maker of stuff, are of service to you. Every project I do for kids intends an offering of validation, comfort, and hope, so here’s to doses of those with each installment of this PSA for grownups! Plus other fun bits about process, what I’m reading, and my own book news too.

If you’d like to support my work as a writer for children and the creative community I foster, you can become a paid subscriber to this newsletter! By doing so, you’ll get access to occasional discussion threads on topics that relate to writing, reading, literacy, teaching, and creativity. Wanna join? (You can also support by subscribing for free—I appreciate that as well!)

Subscribe to PSA from Danielle Davis

Occasional public service announcements from a writer, reader, collaborator, picture book editor, and teacher who makes books and animations for kids.


Writer of books and stuff for kids, reader, editor, collaborator, and swimmer in Los Angeles.